
Project 1: L'Oréal Paris - Go 360° Clean Facial Cleanser

Over the years I've tried various facial cleansers.  Most of them would dry my skin out even when used sparingly.  About 2 months ago, I was in the store and I happened to see a new skincare product from L'Oréal Paris.  At first I didn't want to bother to try it because I figured it would be much like the rest of them - either too strong or not strong enough.  After seeing that this product was available in several varieties and came with a soft, colorful scrublet, I couldn't resist.
Product: L'Oréal Paris Go 360° Clean Facial Cleanser with Scrublet
Product Type: Cosmetic Hygiene
Anti-Breakout Cleanser, Deep Facial Cleanser [Sensitive Skin], Deep Exfoliating Scrub, Deep Cream Cleanser, Deep Facial Cleanser
Cost: About $7 USD - I purchased mine from Kmart

Cleanser #1: Anti-Breakout
Usage Duration: About 1 month
Daily Usage: Once in the morning and once at night.

The Cleanser: For the most part I really like this cleanser.  It doesn't have a medicated smell and it leaves your skin feeling very clean and soft.  After washing my face, I noticed a bit of a cooling sensation which was actually rather relaxing.  The main thing I liked about it was its ability to remove eyeliner better than most things I've tried.  However, after a week or two, my skin started to develop small dry patches despite the fact that I applied moisturizer after cleaning my face.  While it prevents some breakouts, it definitely does not prevent all, but it does keep them from getting worse.  I also noticed that the facial wash has made my skin far less oily than it used to be.

The Scrublet: At first I was really excited to use the scrublet - it is soft, doesn't scrape the skin, and can be stored in the cleanser body.  It makes the cleanser sud up really well too.  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to clean or scrub as much as the product implies.  A few time after washing my face at night, I would use a Noxzema Triple Clean pad to wipe my face after washing and I still saw traces of dirt.  I figured I just didn't wash my face properly and decided to test this theory again later.  The follow night, I washed my face two times with the cleaner and scrublet then took a Noxzema pad to my face once again.  Unfortunately, it wielded the same results.  From that point on I realized the scrublet was useless.  I kept using the facial wash, but instead of using the scrublet, I used a clean face cloth instead and the Noxzema pad results were more to my liking.

Overall I really like the cleanser but I can do without the scrublet.  Its a great product for the price but I feel the scrublet could be improved a bit.

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